Laura Meilman is a cartoonist and painter based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She holds a B.A. in Painting from Earlham College and an MFA from the Center for Cartoon Studies. Her comics generally fall under the umbrella of graphic memoir and her favorite subjects to paint are clouds and landscapes. Painting places where she has lived or traveled feels deeply connected to cartooning memoir stories in that they are both very intimate and deeply rooted in personal experience.
Meilman's series of drawings of Boston's subway system, "Project T-scapes", completed in 2015, was featured in the Boston Globe, on, and on Neighborhood Network News. Other work has appeared on posters, book covers, and in coffee shops and galleries. View the complete T-scapes online gallery here.
Original work, reproductions, zines, and the Project T-Scapes Art Book are available on etsy. Get monthly zines in your mailbox and behind the scenes cartooning content by joining Laura Meilman Art on Patreon.
Instagram @l_meilman
Bluesky @crescentmoonbanana

Project T-Scapes: Drawings of Boston's Subways is available on Etsy.